C.92 TarTask

The TarTask creates a tarball from a fileset or directory.

Table C.119: Attributes

destfileStringTarball filenamenoneYes
basedirStringBase directory to tar (if no fileset specified, entire directory contents will be included in tar)noneNo
compressionStringType of compression to use (gzip, bzip2, lzma2, none)noneNo
includeemptydirsBooleanIf set to true, also empty directories are copied. trueNo
longfileStringHow to handle long files, those with a path > 100 chars. Allowable values are: truncate - paths are truncated to the maximum length, fail - paths greater than the maximim cause a build exception warn - paths greater than the maximum cause a warning and GNU is used, gnu - GNU extensions are used for any paths greater than the maximum, omit - paths greater than the maximum are omitted from the archive warnNo
prefixStringFile path prefix to use when adding files to archivenoneNo


files are not replaced if they are already present in the archive.


using basedir and fileset simultaneously can result in strange contents in the archive.

C.92.1 Example

<tar destfile="phing.tar">
 <fileset dir=".">
     <include name="**/**" />

The above example uses a fileset to determine which files to include in the archive.

<tar destfile="phing.tar.gz" basedir="." compression="gzip"/>

The second example uses the basedir attribute to include the contents of that directory (including subdirectories) in the archive, compressing the archive using gzip.

C.92.2 Supported Nested Tags