B.37 PathConvert

Converts a path form for a particular platform, optionally storing the result into a given property. It can also be used when you need to convert FileList, FileSet, DirSet into a list, separated by a given character, such as a comma or space, or, conversely, e.g. to convert a list of files in a FileList into a path.

Nested map elements can be specified to map Windows drive letters to Unix paths, and vice-versa.

A single nested mapper element can be specified to perform any of various filename transformations.

Table B.38: Attributes

targetos String The target architecture. This is a shorthand mechanism for specifying both pathsep and dirsep according to the specified target architecture. N/ANo
dirsep String The character(s) to use as the directory separator in the generated paths. PhingFile::$separator No
pathsep String The character(s) to use as the path-element separator in the generated paths. PhingFile::$pathSeparator No
property String The name of the property in which to place the converted path.result will be logged if unsetNo
refid String What to convert, given as a reference to a path, fileset or dirset defined elsewhereif omitted, a nested path element must be supplied.No
setonempty Boolean Should the property be set, even if the result is the empty string?trueNo
preserveduplicates Boolean Whether to preserve duplicate resources.falseNo