B.39 PhingCallTask

The PhingCallTask calls a target within the same Phing project.

A <phingcall> tag may contain <property> tags that define new properties. These properties are only set if properties of the same name have not been set outside the "phingcall" tag.

When a target is invoked by phingcall, all of its dependent targets will also be called within the context of any new parameters. For example. if the target "doSomethingElse" depended on the target "init", then using phingcall to execute "doSomethingElse" will also execute "init". Note: the top level tasks of a project will always be executed!

Table B.40: Attributes

target String The name of the target in the same project that is to be called.n/aYes
inheritAll Boolean If true, all true No
inheritRefs Boolean false No


Local scope.

Every <phingcall> tag creates a new local scope. Thus, any properties or other variables set inside that scope will cease to exist (or revert to their previous value) once the <phingcall> tag completes.

B.39.1 Examples

<target name="foo">
    <phingcall target="bar">
        <property name="property1" value="aaaaa" />
        <property name="foo" value="baz" />

In the example above, the properties property1 and foo are defined and only accessible inside the called target.

<target name="bar" depends="init">
    <echo message="prop is ${property1} ${foo}" />

B.39.2 Supported Nested Tags

  • property

  • param (alias for property)